Forbes Reports: “… Nuclear Navy has the best safety record of any industry.”
Perhaps they should have said “process safety” record, but I won’t quibble. Here’s the quote:
“America’s Nuclear Navy is one of the oldest and largest nuclear organizations in the world and has the best safety record of any industry.
And no one ever discusses it.”
Well, not exactly. We’ve been discussing it for years! And the philosophy that keeps the Nuclear Navy safe is outlined at the TapRooT® Summit.
See the article at:
The article mentions the potential impact of budget cuts … a topic that worries many of us who know what it costs to maintain a flawless record – especially in the current environment of a shortage of ships and increased operating tempos.
Admiral Rickover was famous for telling a Congressman at a hearing that his question was “stupid.” What do you think he would say about saving a few million dollars but allowing process safety to degrade because of a shortage of funds with the ultimate result of an expensive nuclear accident that costs billion?
Stupid indeed.