Root Cause Analysis Tip from Elon Musk … Don’t Optimize Something That Shouldn’t Exist

Root Cause Analysis Advice From Elon Musk…
How To Apply the Advice to Root Cause Analysis
How does this apply to root cause analysis? Simple.
Sometimes you shouldn’t try to fix the root causes of the failures of weak Safeguards or don’t try to add Safeguards to an error-prone or high-risk system.
Sometimes you should remove the Hazard or the Target. This may require total system redesign but that may be the only truly effective corrective action.
How do you know when to redesign? When you have a significant Hazard (risk) and the corrective actions to your root causes are weak.
Learn to Apply This Thinking
Attend our 5-Day Advanced TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Course and find out how you can use Safeguard Analysis and the Hierarchy of Controls to develop more effective corrective actions and avoid the mistake of “…optimizing something that shouldn’t exist.”
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