Dr. Randy Creek & TapRooT® Students Practice Skills in Vancouver

From a 5-Day TapRooT® Training Course in Vancouver, Dr. Randy Creek shares images of an enthusiastic group of students.
Follow along below to see what Randy Creek and students learned during the 5-day TapRooT® Advanced Team Leader Training Course in Vancouver.

We love it when folks teaching a TapRooT® Course share images from the course, and Randy is outstanding in capturing pictures of his classes. Our thanks to Randy for these pictures and his remarkable teaching successes.

Does this Vancouver course whet your appetite for opting into the best RCA training — TapRooT®?
Sign up today for a 2-day or 5-day course, an Equifactor course, or an on-site course led by TapRooT® Instructors at your company. You may also browse all TapRooT® Courses to ensure you will find the course to meed your needs.
5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training
The 5-Day Training is for people who investigate low-to-medium risk incidents, precursor incidents and, perhaps, major incidents (serious injuries, fatalities, major facility upsets, fires and explosions, or significant environmental releases). The course covers the essential TapRooT® Techniques (SnapCharT®, Safeguards Analysis, the Root Cause Tree®, and the Corrective Action Helper®), and the optional tools (Change Analysis, CHAP, and Equifactor®) that are used in a complex investigation. The course covers advanced interviewing and information collection techniques and techniques to improve human performance. In addition, learn proactive use of the TapRooT® System. There are frequent exercises using the TapRooT® Software so that attendees leave with significant practice of the skills they will apply when they get back to work.
Day One (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
- Class Introductions and TapRooT® Introduction
- TapRooT® System Overview – What You’ll Be Learning
- SnapCharT® Basics – Gathering Information
- SnapCharT® Exercise – Practice
- Causal Factors – Identifying the Errors
- Root Cause Tree® – Eliminating Blame
- Root Cause Tree® Exercise – On Your Own
- Corrective Actions – Developing Fixes
- Corrective Action Exercise
Day Two (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
- Software Tips
- Generic Causes – Systemic Problems
- Enhanced Corrective Actions
- Preparing for Your Investigation
- Collecting Information
- Interviewing
- Interviewing Exercise
- Interviewing Exercise (RCA)
Day Three (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
- Management System & Changing Behavior
- Equifactor®
- Human Engineering
- CHAP & Exercise
- Change Analysis
- Change Analysis Exercise
- Improving Procedures
- Putting It All Together
- Work Direction & Exercise
Day Four (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)
- Human Factors Jeopardy
- Proactive Improvement
- Auditing Using Safeguard Analysis
- Water Hammer Exercise
- Analyzing Training Problems
- Grading Investigations
- Presenting to Management
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Start Final Exercise (SnapCharT®)
Day Five (8:00 am to 1:00 pm)
- Final Exercise: Safeguards Analysis
- Final Exercise: Define Causal Factors
- Final Exercise: Find Root Causes
- Final Exercise: Find Generic Causes
- Final Exercise: Develop Fixes
- Final Exercise: Presentations
Course materials we provide:
- TapRooT® Major Investigations Book
- TapRooT® Essentials Book
- Laminated TapRooT® Root Cause Tree®
- TapRooT® Root Cause Tree® Dictionary
- Course Workbook
- Corrective Action Helper® Guide
Upon completion of the course, attendees will receive a certificate of completion and a 90-Day Subscription to TapRooT® Personal Software, our dynamic online software that guides you through the TapRooT® process with ease and efficiency.
TapRooT® Training is what you need — a guided root cause analysis
TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis is global — and local — to meet your needs. If you would like us to teach a course at your workplace, please reach out here to discuss what we can do for you, or call us at 865.539.2139. Need other times or locations? Please see our full selection of courses.
Why is TapRooT® Training the top RCA training?
TapRooT® RCA has been designed for investigating seemingly simple problems that could have been worse (precursor incidents) by using a simple 5-step process. TapRooT® RCA can also be used to investigate major accidents by using the complete 7-step process.
- The 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course teaches the essential techniques for investigating precursor incidents and fixing them to prevent major accidents.
- The Equifactor® Training Course also teaches how to use the TapRooT® techniques and Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables to stop equipment problems.
- The 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training teaches the complete 7-step TapRooT® process and techniques to investigate major accidents, serious environmental releases, fatalities, major plant upsets, and serious injuries, as well as simple incidents.