May 28, 2024 | Susan Napier-Sewell

Columbus, TapRooT® RCA Training, June 5-6

5-Day Course

A do-not-miss event — sign your team(s) up for TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training in Columbus, Ohio, June 5-6, 2024.

The 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course focuses on the essential TapRooT® Techniques needed to investigate low-to-medium risk incidents and precursor incidents.

Register your team(s) now for the Columbus course.

2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis

Our 5-Step investigation Process simplifies TapRooT® to make the investigation efficient yet effective. The training focuses on understanding what happened, identifying Causal Factors, analyzing the Causal Factors using the Root Cause Tree®, and developing effective fixes using the Corrective Action Helper® Guide.

Attendees should bring an incident from their facility for a team exercise. These may be either written reports or they may have knowledge of an incident with no written report. We divide into teams of 2-4 people and have each team analyze a different problem during the course.

Day 1 (8:00am to 5:00pm)Day 2 (8:00am to 4:00pm)
Class Introductions and TapRooT® Introduction TapRooT® System Overview – What you will be learning SnapCharT® Basics – Gathering Information SnapCharT® Exercise – Practice Causal Factors – Identifying the Errors Root Cause Tree® – Eliminating Blame Root Cause Tree® Exercise – On Your Own Root Cause Tree® Evidence Collection Tool Corrective Actions – Developing FixesSoftware Overview – Practicing the Techniques Generic Causes – Optional Technique Putting it All Togethe rReporting – Management Presentation Frequently Asked Questions Final Exercise – Putting What You’ve Learned to Work

Course materials we provide:

  1. TapRooT® Essentials Book
  2. Laminated TapRooT® Root Cause Tree®
  3. TapRooT® Root Cause Tree® Dictionary
  4. Course Workbook
  5. Corrective Action Helper® Guide

Upon completion of the course, attendees will receive a certificate of completion and a 90-Day Subscription to TapRooT® Personal Software, our dynamic online software that guides you through the TapRooT® process with ease and efficiency.

Continuing Education Units (CEU): 1.6.

Courses & Training
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