Bogota, Spanish-Language Equifactor Training, Sept. 27

Join us for a Spanish-language TapRooT® Equifactor Equipment Troubleshooting Training Course in Bogota, Colombia, September 27.
Register now for the Spanish-language Equifactor® in Bogota:
1-Day Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting in Bogota
Our 1-Day Equifactor® Troubleshooting Course is for people who need to find and fix the reasons that equipment failed YESTERDAY.
Do you need to improve your facility’s equipment reliability? Imagine the downtime prevented and money saved NOT having repeat equipment failures. If this sounds interesting (and worthwhile), then this course is for you.
Equifactor® Techniques are based on the work of the late equipment reliability expert Heinz Bloch.
Learn how to use Equifactor® to troubleshoot equipment issues and find out what is leading to failures. Then, develop effective fixes to stop future equipment failures.
The tools you will learn include:
- Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables – a systematic guide to troubleshooting common equipment problems. Don’t guess – prove!
- Custom Equifactor® Tables – capture your machinery expert’s knowledge and experience BEFORE he leaves. Pre-game maintenance and repair so you have a strategy before your next unplanned outage.
- Evidence collection – don’t lose the data! Develop a troubleshooting plan to capture all failure symptoms.
- Failure modes / failure agents – there are only four ways a physical component can fail. Don’t FRETT, build the equipment failure narrative (hint, it’s never just a single point failure)
- Process Troubleshooting ¬¬– with Equifactor®, component and machine problems are just the basics. Objectively analyze production system and process failures!
- Change Analysis – collect and understand information about problems caused by changes or differences in system, equipment, or people.
- Proactive Improvement – true solutions are always proactive even if they’re motivated by a failure. If you truly fix a problem, failures don’t recur!
Equifactor® is for technicians, equipment reliability specialists, maintenance managers, and non-equipment expert investigators.
Course Outline
- Introduction
- Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables
- Collecting Information
- Change Analysis
- Process Troubleshooting
- Proactive Improvement
- Failure Modes and Failure Agents
- Example: Troubleshooting a Seawater Pump
- Final project
Course materials include book 5 of the TapRooT® collection, Using Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tools and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis to Improve Equipment Reliability. The book includes a complete set of Heinz Bloch’s troubleshooting tables as well as the basics of a TapRooT® root cause analysis investigation.
Continuing Education Units (CEU): 0.8.