Arturo de la Garza Guajardo, Safety Guru and TapRooT® Instructor

Arturo de la Garza died last July after a long career improving safety and many years teaching TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis.
Arturo was one of our first clients outside the US. Linda and I taught a course for him for the safety folks at Cydsa in Monterrey, Mexico.
Arturo was a Chemical Engineer with lots of chemical plant experience, including plant management, before joining Cydsa’s corporate staff.
When Arturo retired from Cydsa, he went to work for Cemex and then left Cemex to become one of our contract TapRooT® RCA Instructors. For over a decade, he taught courses for SI in Mexico and South America until he was 80 years old.
We will miss his good humor and knowledge, and we know that all the instructors who taught with him and the clients with whom he shared his knowledge will also miss him.