May 18, 2006 | Mark Paradies

Article What Makes Companies Go From Good to Great Using TapRooT®?

I was cc:ed on an e-mail that Linda Unger, the VP here at SI, sent to our instructors. I just couldn’t help thinking that the ideas she expressed are why some companies get good results using TapRooT(R) while others do even better and get GREAT results.

Of course, good is good. But I would rather have GREAT! Read the e-mail below and see if you can detect the passion for excellence and achievement that helps a company go from good to great.

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E-mail from Linda Unger, VP at SI, to TapRooT® Instructors. LINDA WROTE:

I saw the following quote in one of our instructor’s (Brian Locker’s) e-mail banner and it got me thinking…

“There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.” – Napoleon Hill

This idea transfers to a lot of areas of life. When I saw it, I immediately thought of it in terms of our TapRooT® clients. I thought, “This is the quality I see in so many of our TapRooT® clients.”

Think of how many times people who are truly determined to implement a world-class investigation, root cause analysis, and corrective actions system for their company (the definiteness of purpose) find us in their search.

It is always such a pleasure to talk to that person because they are the ones who want REAL excellence in their process – something that will really work well for them – not just something to be able to say, “We do RCA here too.”

I can always tell when I am talking to a client who has the quality that Hill was talking about.

Those are the people who truly care about their co-workers.

Those are the people who truly care about not only their company’s bottom line but also about the company’s “well-being” and about their managers and workers making the right choices that contribute to that well-being.

Those are the people who truly care about the value of their work and what their decisions bring to their company.

Those are the people who pick TapRooT® as their incident investigation, root cause analysis, and corrective actions system because they make the effort to understand how TapRooT® is the world-class system they are looking for and what it can bring to their company (the knowledge of what one wants)!

Once they have the knowledge of TapRooT® and learn how to use it, then they use their own inner burning desire and drive to get all of the pieces of implementation right (a burning desire to possess it) so that their company, managers, and co-workers reap the benefits of their work.

Yes, I know this sounds either mushy or like an ad. You know me – it’s mushy. It comes from my heart. It is one of the reasons that I love my job. I love selling TapRooT® because the people who buy TapRooT® are amazing and such a pleasure to work with. They really do have that quality that Napoleon Hill was talking about.

Linda Unger

VP at System Improvements

Root Cause Analysis
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