Who is to blame?

More Effective Placing of Blame?

Linda Unger, TapRooT® Instructor and Senior VP at System Improvements, reminded me of a story. I thought I would pass it along.
She was teaching a 5-Day TapRooT® RCA Course out west, and, at the break, one of the participants decided to “share” why they were attending the course. It seems that one of the Senior VPs at his company sent him to TapRooT® Training because the VP wanted a more effective way to discover who was to blame.

By day two of the course, the person sharing their story could see how effective TapRooT® RCA was at finding root causes and developing corrective actions WITHOUT placing blame. He was excited to go back and use TapRooT® RCA to show the VP what real root cause analysis could do for them – help them improve performance without placing blame.
Linda didn’t remember the person’s name or what happened next, but she thought that if we could get all the blame-oriented VPs to send people to TapRooT® Training, it would be great for us and great for all the companies that might “see the light.”

Get Beyond Blame
Is your company ready to go beyond blame and start finding and fixing the real root causes of:
- Accidents
- Precursor incidents
- Quality issues
- Hospital sentinel events
- Production upsets
- Maintenance errors
- Schedule slippage
- Near-misses
and develop effective fixes that work?
Then you should have someone (or perhaps a team) attend one of our TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Courses.
Which course should you attend?
- If you will investigate simple incidents with low-to-moderate risk, the 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training is a great start.
- If you are investigating simple incidents but also want to apply your TapRooT® RCA skills to major accidents and investigations of complex incidents, you should attend the 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training.
- If you will be focussed on equipment failures, troubleshooting equipment problems, and finding equipment issues’ root causes, you should attend the 2-Day Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting and TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training.
Courses Coming Up Soon!

See the complete schedule for our public TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Courses HERE.
And CONTACT US if you want to schedule a course at your site.