What does a bad day look like? Deadly snakes & spiders invade homes after Australian floods

A plague of snakes and spiders — many deadly poisonous — turned up in large numbers nesting in largely ruined or soggy homes after Australia’s recent destructive floods.
For many unlucky residents, returning home after the devastating floods in Australia has meant coming back to more than ruined furniture and clothing — snakes and spiders, some deadly poisonous, have also been heading indoors, with many found nestling in people’s sofas and beds.
Pythons, venomous red-bellied snakes and eastern browns — the second most lethal on the planet after the inland taipan, also an Australian species — are on the move after floods across the populous east forced them from their lowland hideouts.
Read more at “Issue of the day: The plague of snakes and spiders in sofas, beds and shoes,” Maureen Sugden, Mon., Mar. 14, 2022.
What’s in the Portuguese Virtual 3-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training?
The Virtual 3-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course in Portuguese focuses on the essential TapRooT® Techniques needed to investigate precursor incidents. The 5-Step investigation process simplifies the TapRooT® System to make the investigation efficient yet effective. The training focuses on understanding what happened, identifying Causal Factors, analyzing the Causal Factors using the Root Cause Tree®, and developing effective fixes using the Corrective Action Helper® Guide.
Attendees should bring an incident from their facility for a team exercise. These may be either written reports or they may have knowledge of an incident with no written report. We divide into teams of 2-4 people and have each team analyze a different problem during the course.
Time to dust off and nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure…