Using TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis for Quality Issues

Quality issues are something we can all relate to, wouldn’t you agree?
In turn, we can definitely relate to quality issues. Say you purchased a product that turned out to be defective. Or had repeat quality issues in your restaurants? What do you do?
Watch the TapRooT® TV video below to learn more about how TapRooT® addresses quality challenges.
After you watch or listen to the above TapRooT® TV, be sure to read the excellent article by Mark Paradies, “Are Your Safety, Quality, and Equipment Reliability Improvement Initiatives Falling Behind Because of COVID?”
Quality uses a lot of different tools but most tools rely on the experience of the investigator
Notably among them are 5 WHYs, FEMA, Fishbone, 8-step problem-solving. However, in these methodologies, we agree with the critics who note repeat failures and state that the aforementioned investigations often miss the mark and had weak corrective actions, if any.
You need to use a system that produces consistent quality root cause analysis
But, if you know what to ask about in an investigation—which often reveals whether you are experienced or inexperienced as an investigator—you’ll find tenability is critical for quality results. Also critical to quality root cause analysis are knowing how important it is to be proactive and to use audits.
Quality issues investigations may take more time to do but also save time
How is that so? A quality investigation leads to better investigations by spending more time on tools and techniques like evidence collection, identifying all of the mistakes, errors, and failures that lead to the incident, and analyzing those mistakes, errors, and failures in a systematic way.
However, the time is well spent because quality investigations help stop human errors and repeat incidents. So, there are fewer incidents to investigate, plus you’ll avoid accidents, injuries, and equipment downtime.
Want to learn more about quality in your root cause analysis?
The TapRooT® book, Book 8: TapRooT® Performance Measures and Trending for Safety, Quality, and Business Management was written expressly to help learners/practitioners of root cause analysis.
Work smarter, not harder
Join a TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis training course or a webinar to learn how to conduct better investigations. You will learn a method to evaluate your investigations with consistency, and use that knowledge to coach your investigators to improve their skills.