Top 10 Reasons People Don’t Use TapRooT® RCA (Friday Joke)

10. Why do a root cause analysis when I can just discipline people?
9. Job security – I want more incidents to investigate.
8. I learned a system back in the ’70s and why should I try anything new?
7. My company has no mistakes to investigate.
6. I don’t like tapping noises.
5. I would rather use my massive brainpower.
4. I am trying to get fired.
3. I just say that the root cause is human error.
2. Root causes don’t grow on trees.
1. I use Spin-A-Cause™!

I would add ‘Because the investigation outcomes might prove too challenging to senior leadership, and some people prefer the ambiguity.’
12. Because no matter what the data shows, some senior VP will change the final report to state the “real” root cause because he already knows what it is, and how to fix it.