June 14, 2023 | Susan Napier-Sewell

Picture Yourself in a 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Course, Amsterdam


It’s what is in a picture that intrigues us: here, we are observing students in Amsterdam learning from TapRooT® Instructor Randy Creek.

In the 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Team Leader Training Course in Amsterdam, these students are now trained to investigate low-to-medium risk incidents, precursor incidents, and major incidents (serious injuries, fatalities, major facility upsets, fires and explosions, or significant environmental releases).

The course that you see here being taught in Amsterdam covers the essential TapRooT® Techniques . . .

. . . (SnapCharT®, Safeguards Analysis, the Root Cause Tree®, and the Corrective Action Helper®), and the tools (Change Analysis, CHAP, and Equifactor®) that are used in a complex investigation.

Also, students in the Advanced TapRooT® course learn about advanced interviewing and information collection techniques and techniques to improve human performance. In addition, you’ll gain expertise in the proactive use of the TapRooT® System. In the 5-Day Course, there are frequent exercises using the TapRooT® Software so that attendees leave with significant practice of the skills they will apply when they get back to work.


Circumstances can crop up anywhere at any time if proper and safe sequence and procedures are not planned and followed. We encourage you to learn and use the TapRooT® System to find and fix problems.

TapRooT® has a team of investigators and instructors with years of extensive training ready to offer assistance worldwide. We also offer ongoing support to our clients through free newsletters and root cause tip videos, the root cause analysis blog, and our annual Global TapRooT® Summit.

Register for one of our TapRooT® courses. We offer a basic 2-day course and an advanced 5-day courseContact us or call 865.539.2139 about having a course at your site or for further root cause analysis opportunities. We’re here to find solutions for you.

Contact us to discuss training your employees on-site. You may also call us at 865.539.2139 to speak to an instructor, schedule an executive briefing, or book on-site training for your team.

Courses & Training, Investigations
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