How far away is death? Risk Management May Help You Understand.

Learn about risk before … It’s too late, mate…
…says Jim Whiting, one of our Australian TapRooT® Instructors.
Jim’s teaching a Risk Management pre-Summit Course in April at Lake Margaritaville Resort near Houston, Texas. Register now or learn more about it by reading on…
Reduce the likelihood of work-related accidents with this Risk Management Course taught by Jim Whiting
Risk Management & Opportunity-Based Thinking
We’re excited to announce that risk management expert, and long-time TapRooT® Instructor, Jim Whiting, will teach “Risk Management Best Practices and Opportunity Based Thinking” at a pre-Summit Course on April 24-25 at the Lake Margaritaville Resort, Lake Conroe, near Houston. The course is designed to help you improve your risk assessment process.
Why take this Risk Management course?
Whether a beginner or advanced risk analyst, you can conduct better risk assessments by increasing your knowledge using proven, effective risk management processes and tools! Suppose you have responsibilities for providing leadership, advisory, consultative, training, auditing, incident review, root cause analysis, or continuous improvement in health and safety, environmental, or quality. In that case, this course is for you.
This course is compatible with your existing risk management tools or practices and will enable you to gain practical skills and knowledge in proven risk and opportunity methods and tools. The techniques in this course enrich your current processes and work for companies of every size and across all industries. This course is a live, participative learning experience with interactive engagement through discussion, group & individual exercises & quizzes.
Risk & Opportunity Based Thinking (ROBT) & Risk & Opportunity Assessments (R&OA) are strongly promoted by the latest versions of ISO 31000 / ISO 45001 / ANSI Z10 / ISO 14001 / ISO 9001 / ANSI Z590.3 as definitely needed in every R&O-informed decision-making process.

About the Instructor
As an internationally-renowned risk engineer and HSE expert, Jim Whiting has 40+ years
of experience in engineering and science applications to Risk Management, Health Safety & Environment, Incident / Accident Investigation, and Root Cause Analysis.
- Advises medium to large organizations in incident investigations, risk reviews, risk profiling, corporate RM policies, systems, and manuals
- Trains workers and managers in Australia & New Zealand, the USA, Canada, Singapore, China, Taiwan, Korea, Malaysia, and India.
- Studies extensively and presents papers on Incident Causation and Risk Management at conferences in the UK, Europe, South East Asia, and North America
- Holds a distinguished academic career in applied research of scientific and engineering applications in medicine, clinical & OHS&E safety, and risk management
- A contributory committee member that wrote the first international risk management standard ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management – Guidelines. It is now the USA Standard – ANSI/ASSP/ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management – Guidelines and CAN/CSA/ISO 31000
- An expert witness in over 300 legal inquiries, including investigations of major accidents for companies and government agencies
- Served as Senior Lecturer of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, at the Queensland University of Technology for 18 years
- Honorary Life Member of the Risk Engineering Society of Australia, Asia Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organisation (APOSHO), and former National CEO of the National Safety Council of Australia (NSCA)
Jim Whiting knows much more than what’s in the risk management standard – don’t miss a chance to learn from a leading expert.
Your course guarantee for the 2-Day Risk Management Best Practices & Opportunity-Based Thinking
Attend this course, return to work, and apply the advanced risk management techniques you have learned. If you don’t agree that your risk management skills are improved using the techniques learned in this course, simply return your course materials, and we will refund the entire course fee.
CLICK HERE to register for just the course.
CLICK HERE to register for the course and the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit. You SAVE $300 OFF the course fee when you register for the course and the Summit at the same time.