Does Your Company have a Roadmap to Success?

What is a Roadmap to Success, you may ask.
The simple answer is, if you’re a TapRooT® User who attends the Global TapRooT® Summit, the Roadmap to Success is a way to expand the specialized help System Improvements gives to clients. In the process, Global TapRooT® Summit participants prepare a customized Roadmap, specifically tailored for and focused on their companies.
The Roadmap is a tool to evaluate and expand a company’s continuous improvement. Importantly, the Summit Roadmap incorporates best practices and lessons learned from the TapRooT® Summit.
Look in on the success story in this great article, Improving Root Cause Analysis – Success Story, by System Improvements’ President Mark Paradies.
Inside the Summit Roadmap Process
Four key verbs describe what users will employ in their Roadmap to Success process:
- Plan
- Do
- Check
- Adjust
Roadmap users achieve success by staying fully informed with what’s happening in their company and staying ahead of the curve through the TapRooT® Implementation Roadmap (i.e., the Roadmap to Success):
- Discover
- Evaluate
- Plan
- Implement
- Continuously improve

The Summit Roadmap:
– Incorporates best practices and lessons learned from the Summit.
The main purpose of the Summit Roadmap to Success is to take home what you’ve learned at the Summit, write up the takeaways and pinpoint how those will change your process, present it to management, gain approval, and put it into action through implementation of your new plan.
– Performs as a communication tool between workers and managers focused on reaching a desired outcome.
The Roadmap is a communicative, continuously improving process to establish why you’re doing something, how you’re doing something, what changes need to be implemented. And more . . .
System Improvements’ TapRooT® experts perform continuous monitoring of TapRooT® clients’ programs. We schedule check-in calls periodically to make sure they are receiving the help they need to successfully implement and sustain the program. This is a crucial step.
How did the Summit Roadmap originate?
Ken Reed, TapRooT® Instructor (also an internationally recognized subject matter expert on Root Cause Analysis and Incident Investigation, and a senior associate, partner, and VP at System Improvements) describes here how the Roadmap began:
“At the 2019 Global TapRooT® Summit in Houston, one of the new opportunities we offered was to help all attendees prepare a Roadmap to Success, customized for their companies. With the assistance of expert TapRooT® facilitators, we went through a simple yet powerful process to help each person improve their program.
“After the Summit, each attendee had some homework to do! Then, it was time to take that plan, present it to management, get it approved, and implement it.”
Begin/refine your TapRooT® Roadmap to Success strategy
For those new to TapRooT® RCA — or if you have not attended a Global TapRooT Summit—we’re happy to set up a time to help you draw up your customized Roadmap to Success. The Roadmap is very simple to do; yet, it can demonstrate surprisingly powerful outcomes. Let us help you put together your roadmap for improvement—your Roadmap to Success.
For those who have attended the Global TapRooT® Summit, you know that we have helped you get your customized Roadmap to Success started. It’s equally important to follow up by completing your Roadmap. Contact us if you need assistance.
The Global TapRooT® Summit is System Improvements’ opportunity to give back to our clients and provide them with the chance to network with hundreds of other TapRooT® users, learn best practices from experts, and discover innovative ways of improving their improvement programs.
Don’t overlook amazing discounts for your team!
You can register a whole team; make sure you have all the information available when you begin. If you would like some help getting your team registered, please call our office at 865-539-2139.
The 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit is pleased to offer great discounts for companies that bring a team or teams:
Register 3 or more attendees at a discount. Also, save when you register for the 3-day Summit plus a 2-day Pre-Summit course.
- Groups of 3-9: $100 discount (per person) for the Summit and $100 discount for Pre-Summit courses*
- Groups of 10+: $200 discount (per person) for the Summit and $200 discount for Pre-Summit courses*
Register today for the 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit—the best experience in team-building, performance improvement, and eliminating errors in the workplace. Use the Summit hashtag #taprootsummit to share your TapRooT® experiences—before, during, and after the Summit.
We look forward to seeing you in Margaritaville in April!
Photo by Mark König on Unsplash.
The 2023 Global TapRooT® Summit is April 24-28. Register today!
Register now for the 2023 Global TapRooT Summit and Pre-Summit courses. Reach out if you have any questions about registering your team.
Call System Improvements if you need help with a Roadmap to Success, an Executive Briefing, or to ask questions: 865.539.2139.
Excellent and usefull informatión . Lot of help for people who walks blindy to the future. Thanks a lot.