March 15, 2024 | Mark Paradies

Which Pre-Summit Course is Best for You?

public TapRooT® course

The Best Pre-Summit Course is the One That Helps You the Most

The 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit is rapidly approaching on May 1-3. Before the Summit is a set of special courses that Mark Paradies hand-picks to provide valuable ideas to help you improve performance at your company.

What are the eleven pre-Summit Courses being held on April 29-30, and which one is best for you? Read on to find out!

Pre-Summit Courses

Here are the eleven courses to choose from and some information about each course…

2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training

Amy teaching 2-Day

If you have never attended TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training and you are looking for a better way to find and fix the root causes of problems that cause accidents or precursor incidents, this is the course for you. See the complete course outline HERE.

2-Day Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting & TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Training

Equifactor® Troubleshooting Techniques are based on the work of the late equipment reliability expert Heinz Bloch and capture how Best-in-Class Performing organizations think differently about their equipment and systems.

In two days, you will learn:

  • How to use Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables to fix equipment failures
  • Going beyond troubleshooting to find the real, fixable root causes of failures
  • Maintenance and operational best practices
  • Holistic, proactive system reliability techniques to ELIMINATE the reasons (plural) equipment failures occur

The tools you will learn include:

  • Equifactor® Troubleshooting Tables – a systematic guide to troubleshooting common equipment problems.  Don’t guess – prove!
  • Troubleshooting Strategy – don’t lose the data! Develop a troubleshooting plan to capture all failure symptoms and possible causes.
  • Failure Modes/Failure Agents – there are only four ways a physical component can fail. Don’t FRETT, build the equipment failure narrative (hint, it’s never just a single-point failure)
  • Custom Tables ­– The best use of Equifactor®!  If there are no tables, build them, capture the wisdom of your machine experts, build the perfect training document for new equipment troubleshooters, and cut the troubleshooting turnarounds in way less than half by structuring it.
  • Proactive Improvement – True solutions are always proactive, even if they’re motivated by failure.  If you truly fix a problem, failures don’t recur!
  • Change Analysis – “It was working, and now it isn’t” or “The other machines are working. What’s different about this one?” Change analysis structures the intuitive but messy process of comparing machine failures to past performance or similar equipment.
  • Root Cause Tree® Diagram – How to find the root causes of equipment failures, including those caused by human performance.
  • Developing Effective Fixes – Using the Corrective Action Helper® Guide to develop more effective fixes for the root causes you discover.

Equifactor® Troubleshooting is for maintenance technicians, equipment reliability specialists, maintenance managers, and non-equipment expert investigators. Develop best-in-class performance by asking best-in-class questions.

Equifactor® Equipment Troubleshooting

Justin Clark will be teaching this class. See the complete course outline HERE.

2-Day Developing Incident Command System – A New Value Proposition Using TapRooT® Tools

Those who serve on emergency response teams need the ability to quickly assess the complexities of the incident, using their sense of hazard awareness to respond with decisive action and direct a cohesive response effort. If these important skills are not deliberately cultivated and drilled, a workplace emergency can quickly become a far more serious situation. In this course, attendees will use the essentials of the 2-Day TapRooT® course and gain the fundamentals of incident command and control, using SnapCharT® to build tabletop drills with the key response components. They will also use the Root Cause Tree® Diagram and Dictionary and Corrective Action Helper® Module to identify opportunities for improvement based on human performance during drills and emergencies. These tools will give first responders, operations personnel, and people in refining, chemical, and industrial settings the tools needed to take charge and direct their team members to effectively address various aspects of an emergency.

This is a new course developed and taught by Joel Solomon. See the complete course outline HERE.

2-Day Effective Communication Certification

This course is designed for safety professionals to engage more effectively in interpersonal communication/dialogue for incidents, accidents, and investigative occurrences. It incorporates soft skill techniques to improve content acquisition, listening, responding, adapting, and confirming one-on-one and in-group communication situations. The course includes multiple break-out group activities, real-world role play, and continual interactive demonstrations to ensure a smoother transition when applying these communication skills to on-the-job applications.

Vincent Phips Teaching the Effective Communication Certification 2-Day Workshop

The course was developed and is taught by Vincent I. Phipps, one of our most highly praised Keynote Speakers at prior TapRooT® Summits. Don’t miss this chance to learn from a communication expert. See the complete course outline HERE.

2-Day Measurement, Trending, and Predictive Analytics: How the Best Use Data Every Day to Improve Work

Kevin McManus developed and teaches this special course to learn how to develop performance measures and trend them to improve performance.

Decades of experimentation, research, and application are captured in the measurement system best practices and strategies Kevin shares in this workshop. This workshop teaches you how to define better measures for any type of work or personal process. It gives you best practice tactics to help you more effectively use the data you capture every day to optimize work process performance. Lastly, it looks at how emerging technologies can help you ‘level up’ your potential for proactive process performance analysis and improvement.

The tested and proven measurement work system designs we share in this workshop will help you significantly improve how you measure, analyze, and improve daily work. Each participant leaves with an action plan for improving their process measurement and analysis processes and a preliminary set of vital signs for those key processes they are responsible for improving.

This course was updated and improved for this year’s Summit. See the complete course outline HERE.

2-Day TapRooT® Advanced Case Study Workshop

If you want to sharpen your TapRooT® Skills by using the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Techniques to solve practice examples from various industries, this course is for you. This practice analysis will provide great refresher training.

This is a new course developed by Tim Diggs and Alex Paradies. See the complete course outline HERE.

Effective Interviewing and Evidence Collection

Barb Carr developed and will teach this class, which is based on the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis System and ASTM International Standards – a solid foundation for this evidence-collection training. Emily Pritt is co-teaching and adds some valuable information about EQ, an important skill for the investigator. Attendees will:

  • Learn how to preplan and prepare to document investigations with ease.
  • Use a SnapCharT® efficiently as a planning tool for evidence collection.
  • Work in teams using a systematic process to collect information,
  • Learn how to best label, collect, and record evidence.
  • Learn how to conduct an initial site visit.
  • Participate in mock interviews practicing the TapRooT® 12-Step Interview Process.

See the complete course outline HERE.

Stopping Human Error

This course, developed by Mark Paradies and Alex Paradies, will help you understand:

  • The causes of human error
  • Human factors design best practices
  • Methods to find error-likely situations
  • Techniques to help supervisors and workers prevent human errors
  • CHAP (Critical Human Action Profile)
  • Human Performance Improvement Technology
  • Designing your human performance improvement program.

With the exercises built-in to try the techniques, this is an active, quick-moving, 2-day course that will help you develop a customized, effective, efficient program to improve human performance at your facility.

Mark Paradies Teaching

See the complete course outline HERE.

TapRooT® Software

Every year, this course evolves to cover the latest improvements in the TapRooT® Software. The course is designed for TapRooT® Software Power Users and Administrators to help them take advantage of all the features built into the TapRooT® Software, including features of the latest release.

You need to learn how to:

  • Create your own Custom Tabs, fields, and pick lists.
  • Design and build your own reports.
  • Select Global preferences for your company, including Language options.
  • Select SnapCharT® preferences for yourself.
  • Use Optional investigation techniques.
  • Use the TapRooT® App to make investigations more efficient.

Dan Verlinde, Chief Technology Officer, and Angie Comer, Software Project Manager, will teach an intensive review of the TapRooT® VI Software. Whether you are a System Administrator or a power TapRooT® User, you will learn all the capabilities built into this amazing software. Don’t get just 10-20% from your software investment. Learn the full power of your TapRooT®Software!

See Dan discuss the course here…


2-Day Auditing & Proactive Improvement Using TapRooT® RCA

Marcus Miller and Nancy Hitchins developed and will teach the Audits & Proactive Improvement Using TapRooT® Course. This course helps people understand how to use advanced root cause analysis tools to develop their audit protocols and use the human performance and equipment reliability knowledge built into the TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis System to understand the root causes of conditions adverse to quality including non-conformities and non-compliance issues.

Proactive Improvement Course Nancy teaching

Applying TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis proactively when auditing can help your company avoid quality issues, incidents, equipment failures, and accidents by being more effective in your audit processes. See the complete course outline HERE.

2-Day Risk Assessment and Risk Management Best Practices

Jim Whiting teaches Risk Management

Australian risk expert Jim Whiting develops and teaches this course, which evolves every year to include the latest risk assessment and risk management best practices. These best practices include:

  • An interactive WORD template that takes the user through the risk assessment process and, when completed, serves as a diligent entry to your Risk Register;
  • Risk & Opportunity-Based Thinking (ROBT)
  • Risk & Opportunity Conversations (ROC Talk) evolved from BBS
  • Explanation of new Standards – 31073, 45001, 31010, 31000
  • New neuroscience-based explanations of the variability of individual’s risk perceptions and risk-taking and
  • Participants receive a USB stick of approx. 2 GB of ALL course handouts, copies of ALL slides, useful reference materials, and sample PPTX & PDF files accumulated and developed by Jim Whiting over the last 30+ years of Risk Management consultancy and training.

See the complete course outline HERE.

What is the Summit?

Summit - Hands in the air

With all this talk about pre-Summit Courses, you might be interested in finding out more about the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit. The best way to get more information about:

  • The seven Keynote Speakers,
  • The seven Best Practice Tracks, and
  • The 42 separate sessions with talks and workshops presented by researchers and industry experts,


Or download the eight-page brochure by CLICKING HERE.

Or see the complete Summit schedule by CLICKING HERE.

How Do You Register?

Just click THIS LINK to register for the course of your choice and the Summit!

Don’t wait. These pre-Summit Courses fill up fast, and you want the knowledge you need to improve performance at your company.

Summit Breakout Session
Summit Best Practice Track Breakout Session
Courses & Training, Summit
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