Improving Investigations & RCA Track

Improve your Investigations & Root Cause Analysis skills by attending this track at the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit.

This track was built to help investigators acquire skills to take their investigations to the next level. In this track, attendees will review real-world examples to fine-tune their SnapCharT® diagrams and strengthen their causal factor techniques.

Attendees will also learn investigation improvement techniques by participating in best-practice roundtable discussions with other TapRooT® users and experts from across industries. This type of networking across industries and expertise can lead investigators to unique solutions to take back and implement at their company.


Learn About Each Session In This Track...

ICBM Part 1: Advanced SnapCharT® Diagram Techniques
ICBM Part 2: Advanced Causal Factor Techniques
Corrective Action Workshop
Unique Ways to Use TapRooT® (Roundtable Discussion)
Partnering with Law in Your Investigations
Capturing Culture Differences Using TapRooT® RCA
Implementing Your Best Ideas
Investigative Interviewing: The Psychology of Nonverbal Communication
Managing Your Improvement Backlog (Resource Schedule)