February 12, 2024 | Mark Paradies

Stopping Human Error – Improving Human Performance

human error

Two Special Events Coming Up From April 29 to May 3

1. Stopping Human Error Course on April 29-30

2. Improving Human Performance Track at the Global TapRooT® Summit on May 1-3

Both events are being held at the Horseshoe Bay Resort near Austin, Texas.

Would you like to improve human performance at your facility?

Would you like to learn proven ways to help stop human errors?

I’ve had people tell me that it is impossible to stop human errors, but I’ve seen research that stopped a frequently occurring human error (and that will be part of one of the special events).

If you want to improve human performance and stop human errors, read on for more information about these special events.

EVENT 1: Stopping Human Error Course

Alex Paradies - Stopping Human Error Course

On April 29-30, just before the Summit at the Horseshoe Bay Resort, we are holding the 2-Day Stopping Human Error Course. Here is the course outline…

Course Outline

Day 1 (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

  • Foundations of Improving Human Performance
  • Human Performance – What Should You Expect?
  • Three Human Reliability Best Practices
    • Mistake Proofing
    • Resilience
    • Safeguards
  • Using TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis for Reactive Problem Analysis
  • Human Performance Improvement Technology (Catch Your Own Mistakes)
    •  STAR
    • Questioning Attitude
    • Attention to Detail
    • Time Out
    • Error Traps & Precursors
    • Validate Assumptions
  • Work Direction/Finding Error Likely Situations
    • Pre-Job Hazard Analysis
    • Pre-Job Brief
    • Personal Safety Assessment
    • Post-Job Brief
  • Training
    • Systematic Approach to Training
  • Using Procedures to Improve Human Performance
    • Procedures Best Practices
    • Procedure Use and Adherence
    • Place Keeping

Day 2 (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

  • Communications
    • 3-Way Communication
    • Do Not Disturb Sign
  • Management System
    • Conservative Decision Making
    • Stopping Normalization of Deviation
    • MOC
  • Quality Control
    • Independent Verification
    • Concurrent Verification
  • Human Factors Engineering
    • Best Practices (Spot Bad Practices)
    • Proactive Use of CHAP
  • Hazard/Target Elimination or Substitution
    • Improvement Exercise
  • What Should You Improve/Which Tools Will Work Best for You?
  • Sample Plan
  • Present Your Plan (Benchmarking/Feedback)

You will leave this course with a clear understanding of methods to improve human performance and a custom plan to apply these methods at your company to achieve great gains in safety, quality, or operational and maintenance performance (all of which depend on human performance).

Participants receive the book, Stopping Human Error, a $99.95 value, as part of the course materials. In addition, participants receive a certificate of completion and a 90-day subscription to TapRooT® VI Software, our dynamic cloud-based root cause analysis software.

EVENT 2: The Improving Human Performance Track at the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit

Summit - Hands in the air

The 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit is coming up on May 1-3. The Summit has seven Best Practice Tracks for sharing best practices, networking, and benchmarking improvement programs. One of those tracks is titled:

Improving Human Performance

What does this track include? Nine different Best Practice Sharing Sessions, including:

  • Using a Critical Human Action Profile & Learning Teams to Improve Proactively
  • Destroying Silos Using Cross-Functional Teams
  • Corrective Action Workshop
  • Non-Conservative Decision Making: The Death of Two Brothers
  • Live Podcast: The Power of Developing Engaging Stories to Communicate Success
  • Safety as a Core Value
  • Implementing Your Best Ideas
  • Eliminating Waste and Risk Using Lean and TapRooT® RCA
  • Automation Experience with a Global Perspective: An Assessment of the Automation Impact on Worker Safety and Health

But that’s just the start of the learning at the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit. There are six other tracks, pre-Summit Courses, Keynote Speakers, and networking and benchmarking to make your participation even more valuable.

You can customize your Summit experience by choosing any of the over 40 sessions from the seven Best Practice Tracks. In addition to the Improving Human Performance Track, there are also:

Click on any of the links above for details about that track.

People attending the Improving Human Performance Track might choose to customize their experience by attending one or more of these sessions:

  • Improving Sensory Safety to Support a Neurodiverse Workforce
  • A Proactive TapRooT® RCA Model to Reduce Deviations
  • Capturing Culture Difference UsingTapRooT® RCA

CLICK HERE for the complete Summit schedule.

PLUS, when you attend a pre-Summit Course and the Summit, you can SAVE $300 off the course fee. See all the potential discounts below…

2024 discounts SAVE

Networking and Benchmarking


In the 30 years we have held the Summit, we have learned how to make networking and benchmarking FUN. You will meet people worldwide who are interested in improving performance. They will be from a variety of companies and in a variety of professions. They will share their success stories and ask about yours.

You will also have a chance to meet and talk to our Keynote Speakers and members of the System Improvements team. 

Summit participants often comment that the networking and benchmarking are amazing, making it the best part of the Summit.

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers

And the Best Practice Tracks are not the only way you will learn at the Summit. Attendees always rave about our Keynote Speakers and the knowledge and motivation they take home from these presentations. CLICK HERE for details about their presentations.

Imagine The Improvements You Could Make


Imagine the improvements you could initiate when you return from the Stopping Human Error Course and the Global TapRooT® Summit:

  • Implementing a custom plan to improve human performance and stop human errors.
  • Sharing best practices that you learned by networking.
  • Inspiring others with the enthusiasm you bring back from the keynote speakers.

Be assured you will bring back great ideas. We guarantee it…


Attend the Global TapRooT® Summit. Go back to work and implement your
roadmap to success. If you don’t save 10 times the cost of the Summit fee,
let us know and return your Summit materials, and we will refund 100%
of the Summit registration fee. This guarantee shows how certain we are
that you will learn valuable best practices to take your team’s
performance—and that of your whole organization—to the next level.

Register Now

Register for an optional pre-Summit Course and the 2024 Global TapRooT® Summit NOW! Just click on the button below to get started.

Human Performance, Summit
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