May 23, 2024 | Mark Paradies

Root Cause Analysis Training for Simple or Complex Investigations

Can You Have It Both Ways? RCA Training for Simple or Major Investigations?

What training do you need to investigate and find the root causes of simple or complex incidents?

This article discusses:

  • What is an incident, and how do you find root causes?
  • What must you know to analyze a low-risk (simple) incident?
  • What doyou need for analysis of complex incidents (major accidents)?
  • Where do you get the training to investigate simple and complex incidents?
  • Can you get a root cause analysis training discount?
  • Upcoming public root cause analysis training.

What is an Incident & How Do You Find Root Causes?

An incident is something that went wrong that has an adverse consequence. It could be a:

  • Lost time injury
  • Quality escape
  • Equipment failure
  • Production upset
  • Medical treatment error
  • Cost overrun
  • Fatality
  • Explosion
  • Fire
  • Environmental release
  • Hospital sentinel event
  • A near-miss for any of the above (precursor incident)

As you can see, there are many different types of incidents. Some are very serious, some are not as serious, and some are perhaps potentially serious.

To find an incident’s root causes, you perform a root cause analysis. You would think that there would be a standard way to find root causes, but if you do detailed research, you will find that people recommend many different ways to find root causes. Not only that, but much of the advice is bad. They recommend tools that have been shown to work, at best, inconsistently.

Why is the bad root cause analysis advice so devastating? Because if you don’t find and fix the root causes of the smaller incidents, the problems will repeat. Sometimes those problems will repeat in a slightly different way to cause a major accident. In other words, a near-miss that isn’t fixed might become an explosion, fire, fatality, major customer complaint, or major cost overrun.

Don’t take bad advice and get someone killed (or get yourself fired).

To evaluate the advice you get, you need to understand the fundamentals of root cause analysis. Therefore, we wrote an article about the fundamentals of root cause analysis. CLICK HERE to read about root cause analysis fundamentals and make sure you are starting with the right information. Or watch this video about the fundamentals of root cause analysis…

Now that you understand the fundamentals, you probably understand why so many people pick TapRooT® RCA as their standard root cause analysis system. The TapRooT® Folks invented the fundamentals of RCA. Plus, we know advanced root cause analysis.

What Do You Need to Know to Analyze a Low-to-Medium-Risk (Simple) Incident?

We wrote the book on investigating simple incidents (low-to-medium-risk). No, really … we wrote THE book…

Using the Essential TapRooT® Techniques to Investigate Low-to-Medium Risk Incidents is our best seller. CLICK HERE to find out more about why we wrote it and what’s in it.

We used the book for the outline of our 2-Day TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis Course. It teaches what you need to know to investigate simple incidents without getting too complex.

Here’s the simple investigation process…

Only a 50-page book and a 2-Day TapRooT® RCA Course is needed to learn to analyze simple incidents. That’s a great start.

What Do You Need for RCA of a Complex Incident?

But what about complex incidents (major accidents)? You need something more than the 2-Day TapRooT® RCA Course.

But you don’t need quantum mechanics or other complex systems. You do need additional tools and training. The tools are shown in the process diagram below and explained in the book: Using TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis for Major Investigations.

Can You Get Training to Investigate Both Simple and Complex Incidents?

We decided that many investigators would need to investigate both simple and complex incidents. Therefore, we developed training to teach both the quick/easy way to apply TaRooT® RCA to analyze simple incidents and a systematic/thorough way to apply TapRooT® RCA for major investigations (as shown in the 7-Step Process above).

By the way, you can get both books – one for simple incident investigations and one for major investigations as a package. Click on the books below to order them.

To teach both ways to use TapRooT® RCA, we developed the 5-Day TapRooT® Advanced Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Training. It teaches both how to perform simple investigations and how to lead a team to investigate a complex, major accident. Thus, the 5-Day Course teaches what’s in both books … plus more. (And you get both books with the course.)

If you need to regularly investigate simple incidents – precursor incidents or ACEs (Apparent Cause Evaluations) – AND you may occasionally be called upon to investigate more complex human errors or major accidents, then attend the 5-Day TapRooT® Course!

When are the upcoming public 5-Day TapRooT® Advance Root Cause Analysis Team Leader Courses? CLICK HERE to find out.

Get a Training DISCOUNT

What if you have already attended a 2-Day TapRooT® RCA Course provided by SI? Then we offer a $500 discount on our public 5-Day TapRooT® Training. Before you register, you will need to contact us (call 865-539-2139) to get a discount coupon. Or CLICK HERE to get your discount coupon for attending a previous 2-Day TapRooT® Course. They will look you up in our database to provide a discount code.

Do you have three or more people to attend any of our public TapRooT® RCA Courses? You can get a $100 discount for each participant by contacting us for a discount code.

What if you are at a licensed TapRooT® Site (a site license for the TapRooT® RCA Software)? We have discounts for that too. Call us (865-539-2139) to learn more.

RCA Training at Your Site

Finally, do you have ten or more people to train at your site? Contact us for a quote for an on-site course quote and see how much you can save. Call 865-539-2139 and ask for one of our TapRooT® Implementation Advisors…

TapRooT® Implementation Advisors
Courses & Training, Investigations, Root Cause Analysis, Root Cause Analysis Tips
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