The difference between a “good enough” investigation and a great investigation is just a few secrets. This free webinar reveals all seven secrets, and will change the way you conduct a root cause analysis forever.
1. Your root cause analysis is only as good as the info you collect.
2. Your knowledge (or lack of it) is getting in the way of a good root cause analysis.
3. You have to understand what happened before you can understand why it happened.
4. Interviews are NOT about asking questions.
5. You can’t solve all human performance problems with discipline, training, and procedures.
6. People can’t see effective corrective actions even if they can find the root causes.
7. All investigations do NOT need to be created equal (but some investigation steps can’t be skipped).
Alex Paradies is a TapRooT® Strategic Advisor and Instructor. He has seven years of manufacturing management and lean implementation leadership, and was an internal ISO 9001 Auditor. He has a BS in Material Science and Engineering with a minor in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee.