March 23, 2023 | Susan Napier-Sewell

How far away is death? All of a sudden, your day is wrecked


If you’ve ever had your car, truck, or bike hit, or you’ve hit someone, it dawns on you that nothing’s going to go the way you planned that day because you have to take care of your wrecked vehicle — and, unfortunately, sometimes yourself and others.

Usually, if the accident doesn’t involve personal injury, you try to recover from the shock of being in an accident and get out to survey the damage done to your wrecked car/truck/golf cart/motorcycle.

What to do with your wrecked vehicle depends on the amount of damage.

For example, when my daughter’s sedan was T-boned, she was able to get out and walk around, surveying the damage, pretty much concluding it was undriveable. A bit later, she’d get the news that her car was totaled. The other vehicle, a large SUV, hit her with such force that the inside of her car was littered with glass, also all over inside her clothing. (Not to mention the broken tie rod, etc., as she learned later.) To add to the drama, the other driver tried backing up and driving away but onlookers blocked his getaway.

How do I know? I was two cars behind her when this happened. So, anything can and does happen as we try to get to where we need to go.

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How Far Away Is Death?
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