2-Day Measurement, Trending, and Predictive Analytics: The Best Ways to Use Data to Improve Performance

Too many leaders say that their organizations measure lots of things, but they often fail to effectively use the data they collect. With so many measures in place, why do so many organizations fail to select and use the right measures? For example, why do we struggle to select key indicators and goals that best reflect true process performance or capability? What does it take to sustain higher levels of performance versus merely experiencing them for a day or two?

To make things worse, few leaders, let alone staff, understand and know how to apply the measurement basics of process behavior curve, variation, and capability analysis. Trend line use is limited, and improvement efforts are reactionary in nature. Poorly selected process changes often fail to fix the problem, and instead, result in resource waste. Instead of using data to predict and anticipate change, too many leaders only use data to find and fix obvious problems.

How often do your leaders try to use organizational or business unit-level metrics to diagnose process-level problems and monitor process health? Such an approach often fails to identify key improvement areas. How do you consistently engage your work team members in daily measure analysis? How does the data they capture every day help drive data literacy and continuous process improvement? Too many measurement system designs provide suboptimal value.

Effective trending and analytics are needed to link process measures with the errors and defects that affect their performance. How do your leaders use work system data to predict future process and business outcomes? How often do your aggregate work measures fail to provide the sensitivity needed to truly identify work system and process design flaws? What system design flaws prevent your processes from performing at higher levels? How do you effectively use data daily to predict and improve current process performance?

Decades of experimentation, research, and application are captured in the measurement system best practices and strategies Kevin shares in this workshop. This workshop teaches you how to define better measures for any type of work or personal process. It gives you best practice tactics to help you more effectively use the data you capture every day to optimize work process performance. Lastly, it looks at how emerging technologies can help you ‘level up’ your potential for proactive process performance analysis and improvement.

The tested and proven measurement work system designs we share in this workshop will help you significantly improve how you measure, analyze, and improve daily work. Each participant leaves with an action plan for improving their process measurement and analysis processes and a preliminary set of vital signs for those key processes they are responsible for improving.

In this 2-day workshop, you learn how to:

• Identify leading counts and ratios that best reflect the ‘vital signs’ of process performance
• Set up a simple process to capture and crunch daily process information
• Review and use measurement results daily to predict, anticipate, and improve performance
• Recognize and engage team members in effective daily measure use
• Select options to improve the design of your existing measurement work system

Meet the Instructor & Course Developer

As Chief Excellence Officer of Great Systems LLC, Kevin McManus provides virtual coaching and content to help people use proven best practices to enhance and optimize their daily work systems. Over forty years of work experience in roles such as Industrial Engineer, Training Manager, Production Manager, Plant Manager, and Director of Quality give Kevin a ‘real life work’ perspective relative to daily work process optimization, work team engagement and empowerment, and sustainable operational excellence.

As a contract trainer for the TapRooT® root cause analysis process, Kevin has taught over 425 courses and further enhanced his ability to help leaders proactively minimize risk, reduce errors, and improve reliability. Kevin holds an undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering and an MBA. He served as a national Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence Award Examiner for twenty years, including a three-year term on the national Judge’s Panel. Kevin has authored the monthly performance improvement column for Industrial and Systems Engineer magazine for over 20 years, is an Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering Fellow, and has been a member of IISE for over forty years.

Course Guarantee for 2-Day Measurement, Trending, and Predictive Analytics

Attend this course, and if you do not feel you learned how to best use data to improve your work, just return your course materials and we will refund the entire course fee.

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