July 2, 2024 | Mark Paradies

Time to Budget for 2025 Improvement

Are You Making Plans for 2025?

Different companies have different budget cycles and planning requirements. Many companies start looking at the next year’s budget in the mid-summer to August time frame. If you are starting to plan for the 2025 budget, you may need to get estimates for your 2025 TapRooT® Training, TapRooT® Software expenses, and travel and expenses for attending the 2025 Global TapRooT® Summit.

Inflation Impacts Us Too

Many of the cost elements of TapRooT® Training, Software, and the Summit have been impacted by inflation over the past couple of years. Therefore, we will have moderate price increases for public courses, on-site training, virtual courses, software hosting, and the TapRooT® Summit in 2025. These price increases will be announced in August, but if you need numbers for planning, contact your TapRooT® Implementation Advisor for quotes.

Just call 865-539-2139 or CLICK HERE.

Ways to Reduce Costs

cost cutting

There are ways to reduce costs when scheduling training or registering people for public TapRooT® Courses and the Summit.

First, if you schedule back-to-back TapRooT® Courses at your facility, you can save on instructor travel costs and get a course discount.

Second, if you have a larger course (our course size can go as high as 32 attendees), the cost per attendee decreases significantly. Ask your TapRooT® Implementation Advisor for more info.

Third, having an on-site course (especially a larger one) can save significantly off the price of the course and travel for public TapRooT® Training.

Fourth, if you register 3 or more attendees at a time for public TapRooT® Training, you get $100 off for each attendee. What about 10 or more attendees? Contact us for the discount.

Fifth, you may be surprised by how much having SI host your TapRooT® Software compared to the internal charges from your IT support. Again, contact your TapRooT® Implementation Advisor for a quote.

Finally, there are significant discounts off the TapRooT® Summit pricing when you bring a team to the Summit. The Summit website will be updated with all the latest discounts in August, but your TapRooT® Implementation Advisor can get projected numbers for you before August.

Please Ask

Whatever information you need for budgeting for TapRooT® Implementation in 2025, please ask. Call us at 865-539-2139 or CLICK HERE to contact us. We will be happy to help.

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