September 19, 2024 | Susan Napier-Sewell

How far away is death? Flammable gases in a coal mine

coal mine

On Friday, October 14, 2022, a coal mine exploded in Turkey’s northern Bartin province.

With 41 reported deaths and still counting, and many injured, of the 110 men working in the coal mine, 58 made it out either by themselves or with the help of rescuers. There were scenes of miners carrying miners in the coal mine rescue efforts.

The coal mine explosion occurred in the state-owned Turkish Hard Coal Enterprise’s (TTK) mine in the town of Amasra, in the Black Sea coastal province of Bartin.

ABC news reported on the coal mine incident, “Eleven were injured and hospitalized, with five in serious condition, while 58 others managed to get out of the mine on their own or were rescued unharmed. Energy Minister Fatih Donmez said rescue efforts were complete. Earlier, he had said that a fire was burning in an area where more than a dozen miners had been trapped. Preliminary assessments indicated that the explosion was likely caused by firedamp, which is a reference to flammable gases found in coal mines, Donmez said overnight. Three prosecutors were investigating the blast.”

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How Far Away Is Death?
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