Conduct Interviews with the TapRooT® 12-Step Interview Process

The TapRooT® 12-Step Interview Process is a proven method for collecting better information. It is a structured, well-researched approach that incorporates building rapport and cognitive interviewing (helping witnesses remember events by employing multiple retrieval strategies).
Why Do Rapport Building and Cognitive Techniques Matter in the Interview Process?
Building rapport increases trust and avoids emotionally charged behavior. Treating witnesses with respect and friendliness encourages them to tell their story – the true story – while coercion-type methods lead to false information.
Many investigators think that when a witness can’t remember something, he or she must not have stored it in his/her memory. The truth is much more information is stored in memory than we think, we just use ineffective methods to help the witness retrieve it. Cognitive interviewing helps with that and is important because we want witnesses to provide all of the information they can remember to find and fix the problems that lead to the incident.
Interviews are essential to evidence collection in an incident investigation. Join us for our 90-minute webinar, and learn not only the TapRooT® 12-Step Interview Process but also how to identify body language cues during an interview.
How to Conduct Effective Interviews for Incident Investigations
December 2, 2021
2 pm EST